2332 Croix Drive, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23451

When to Hire Outside Counsel

 For civilian counsel to truly make a difference in your IDES or legacy PEB case, it is critical to hire them as soon as possible after your medical board is initiated.  Why? Because it is essential to begin as soon as possible to develop and implement a game plan to achieve your goals. This means knowing what to say and do during MEB and VA C&P exams, when to request an Impartial Medical Review, when to rebut an MEB Narrative summary, how to provide useful input to your Commander’s statement/Nonmedical\ Assessment, etc. I guide my clients through every step of this process and write their rebuttals, appeals, impartial review requests, VA One-time Reconsideration requests and nonmedical evidence letters.  This positions us well to win the case early on in this process. After the package is submitted to the IPEB, we are already preparing for the submission of a VA One-time Reconsideration request and the possibility of a formal hearing. By taking control of the process at the outset, we dramatically enhance your chances of winning. And, quite frankly, there is no way that I or any other attorney can jump in a week before a formal hearing and effectively represent you. Why? Because we will have already missed too many opportunities to successfully influence the outcome of your case. 


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