2332 Croix Drive, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23451

The Importance of Preparing a Solid BCMR/BCNR Petition

Information obtained by FOIA from the various armed services Board s of Correction for Military Records and the Board of Corrections for Naval Records continues to support a finding that board members typically spend between 2 to 10 minutes reviewing your petition for relief.  This means that the board members depend heavily upon the briefing materials provided by their support staff in reviewing your case and your supporting brief.  hat does this mean for your case?  It means that we will need to draft a well-prepared brief that lays out your case as simply as if we were standing there briefing the board members and providing them with a PowerPoint presentation.  That is why it is worth the time that it takes to lay out your argument and provide specific cites to the pages and paragraphs within your supporting documents that prove up your argument. If we do this, it greatly enhances your odds of winning. If we do not, the converse is true. The time to hire civilian counsel with solid experience in this venue is at the outset of your case, not when you receive an unfavorable decision and are contemplating filing a motion for reconsideration or have exhausted your remedies and seek representation in federal court. Very few of us will take on cases at that point, as the record below has been firmly established. 


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