2332 Croix Drive, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23451

Manpower Shortage at Navy PEB Slows Case Processing

Lately, I have had several inquiries regarding the current timeline for processing cases at the Navy PEB, with some callers complaining about the agency failing to keep within the intended IDES guidelines.   Other callers have asked whether this delay means that there is a problem in processing their cases. In most cases, the answer is No.  At present, the real issue at the Navy PEB level is that several board members have either retired or gone on terminal leave, with no incoming members in sight. As a result, the available workforce is at about half of where it was in January, and this has genuinely slowed down the processing of cases.  The positive aspect of this manpower shortage is that the FPEB caseload is so heavy that the board members may stipulate- i.e., agree without a hearing or part way through a hearing – to well-prepared petitions/case briefs accompanied to reduce their workload.  I will provide updates on this situation as they become available to me.


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