2332 Croix Drive, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23451

If You Served on Guam (1958-1980)

If you served on Guam from 1958-1980, the NVLSP and the Yale Law School Veterans Legal Services Clinic have updated their groundbreaking White Paper showing that it is “as likely as not” that veterans who served in Guam from 1958 to 1980 were exposed to Agent Orange and other dioxin-containing herbicides.   This White Paper provides veterans and their advocates with a framework for filing disability compensation claims ” for any diseases that the Secretary has associated with such exposure based on findings from the Health and Medicine Division of the National Academies of Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine”.  I have inserted the link to this study for your review- please pass it on to any veteran who might benefit from this info:  https://law.yale.edu/sites/default/files/area/clinic/2021.02.11_-_nvlsp_white_paper_-_clean.pdf


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