2332 Croix Drive, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23451

How to Obtain Key Medical Evidence from VA Providers for Your TDRL Review

If you are on the TDRL and need updated medical evidence from your VA providers regarding the severity and stability of your TDRL conditions, you will find that some VA providers are reluctant to write letters to outside agencies like the DOD and the Coast Guard.  Here is how to get around that stumbling block- contact your VA providers via the patient portal/secure messaging feature of your electronic health record and provide them with the key points that you need to have addressed.  In doing so, you will be asking them to respond to these points in a treatment note or phone consult note.  Some providers may wish to discuss these points with you at your next appointment, but many will make a telephone consult entry without giving it much thought at all. Either way, this tactic is a very effective way to obtain the evidence needed from reluctant VA providers to win your TDRL review case.


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