2332 Croix Drive, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23451

Good News for Fibromyalgia Patients

For those of you with fibromyalgia who often encounter skepticism from military providers or a tendency to attribute most of your symptoms to a conversion or somatic dysfunction disorder, here is good news. “A study by Massachusetts General Hospital (MGH) researchers — collaborating with a team at the Karolinska Institutet in Sweden — has documented for the first time widespread inflammation in the brains of patients with the poorly understood condition called fibromyalgia. ” Their report has been published online in the journal Brain, Behavior and Immunity, with the link provided for you below. Keep track of their work, as this may result in new treatment modalities that can vastly improve your quality of life.  That being said, here is the link to the  article:   https://www.sciencedaily.com/releases/2018/09/180927122946.htm


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