2332 Croix Drive, Virginia Beach, Virginia 23451

Army Formal PEB Hearings Go Telephonic Due to COVID19 Pandemic

The Army PEB recently decided to convert all pending FPEB hearings to telephonic proceedings to comply with DOD limitations on domestic travel due to the COVID19 pandemic.  Here is how I will respond to this development. First, while the regulations allow for telephonic proceedings, I will file a reconsideration request seeking an “on the record” decision granting your contentions based upon our pre-hearing brief and supporting exhibits.  Next, I will note on the record any issues that you had scheduling appointments with providers to obtain updated evidence due to COVID19.  Then, I will argue how this lack of access to medical care prevented us from getting current medical evidence to support our contentions and thereby effectively deprived you of a full and fair hearing under 10 USC 1214.  Finally, I will present your case in full by speakerphone, including calling any necessary witnesses and arguing every point required to win.  Not to worry, after successfully representing soldiers in this process for 25+ years, I know how to adapt to change and put on the best possible case for my clients.  For proof, check out my review page at https://bit.ly/2XQwxhx


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